Friday, August 12, 2016

Published Articles

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Linux Mint for

My thoughts on moving from Windows to Linux Mint

I am writing this in the Linux Forum as was not sure where to put it perhaps it should be in the general. Well anyway I have been a Microsoft user from 1999 using XP,Vista, W7, W8, and then W10. I had a dabble with Linux but never really used it because it was two much bother using dual boot also I worked in a local authority IT centre where if I wanted any help or downloads I could have them FOC ( I had nothing to do with computing I was the caretaker) anyway I was used to Microsoft's offerings and never thought about having to pay for the operating systems and the aps which you have to for to do the the things that you need to to make the OS work for you. When Windows 10 came out AND IT WAS FREE I installed it and was reasonably happy with it but I then I found it came a price and the price was that Microsoft would be monitoring stuff like, who you were emailing, what websites you going into etc, etc, even though you had supposedly used the control panel to negate that.

Any way as I have said I had dabbled once or twice with Linux Distro's and never really tried to understand them but was so fed up with Microcrap I tried several one was Zorin the other was Roblinux both full to the brim with apps but two many apps because they supposedly easy to migrate from Microsoft I found them full of features but really did not sit right with me and then I tried against my better judgement Linux Mint.  I found it was easy to use and there is a button to download World Community Grid, all you have to do is forget all Microsoft put all the things out of your mind that you know about that system and it is a new learning experience and as I am a silver surfer that could be a difficult thing but straingly I have found it easy to get my head around and enjoying the experience, so if you are questioning the morality of Microsoft monitoring your privacy have a look at Linux Mint or any other Linux distro you could be surprised and if you need help there many people on this site who will go out of their way to help you.

Kara Hewett

Mint does simplify the knowledge requirements for the Linux keyboard commands. Among non-programmers, the competition includes Apple tablets and macs which arguably easier to use than Mint.

SQL DB Table Join

Join query

now i'm working on datalist control in, now i want to join query for this purposes..

i have the three table, tblstudent, tbllang, tblstudlang,

i want to bind the columns name of firstname and courseoffered from tblstudent and its id is studentid, and languagename from tbllang and first its joining with tbllang's id is laguageid, and tblstudlang's id is languageid..

help me please...

Kara Hewett

Kara Hewett
select * from tblstudent a, tbllang b, tblstudlang c
where a.studentid = b.studentid and
b.languageid = c.languageid

The three tables are given an identifier such as a, b, and c. Then the tables are joined on the column which is shared between the tables.